Sunday, May 9, 2010

Children of the Corn

Greg is a child of the Corn... being from the Midwest that is, and I am quickly becoming a child of the corn in that I am growing sweet corn in the back yard. To be exact we have corn, green beans, and cucumbers all grown from seed, a multitude of herbs and the lettuce seeds went in the ground yesterday. We also have two huge tomato plants. Incredibly these plants started as very small shrubs but continue to reach for the sky at such a pace that every weekend when we have time to soak in our hard work we are shocked at the size of these two plants (one Creole and the other Cherry). And the amazing number of little green tomatoes, soon to be red I hope!

Our garden has become the apple of our eyes... although we have no apple trees... yet. We eat most of our meals on the patio, morning, day and night, and watch over it with great joy and pride. This weekend our garden was a giving garden, yielding the perfect backdrop for Greg's birthday party and 20 green beans (our first homegrown nourishment outside the multiple herbs we use to flavor our epicurean lives and delicacies). I found 13 on Saturday (pictured below) and 7 more today.
Outside of gardening we, like most of the South, are eating our fair share of seafood before the earl (oil) ruins the season, possibly for years to come. We are in the middle of crawfish season and the thought of cutting it short or losing it for years is horrible. Watching the oil explosion (which can hardly be described as a spill at this point) fill up the gulf is as depressing as watching the water fill up New Orleans. At this point its still hard to grasp... so we are left grasping crawfish... thankful for the luxuries still allowed.The best things about New Orleans in the springtime... festival season, crawfish season and my favorite... Abita strawberry beer!
Outside of generally enjoying the outdoors before the heat of the summer hits, Greg continues to excel as a musician, playing at the world famous Jazz Fest a couple of weeks ago. He finished his first semester with flying colors. I have settled into not having a thesis hanging over my head and have begun looking for new projects to occupy my time...Thats all we'll say for now.

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