Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Go to the Mattresses...

Two reasons we have not updated recently...
Go to the mattresses... to prepare for battle.
Everyday Greg has a different battle... hence Graduate School. But I am preparing for the end of my little battles.. I am preparing for the final war. The War on Thesis Defense. I'm now in the final weeks of thesis editing, formatting and reviewing. The end is finally nigh. And frankly I do not know how I will spend all my free time when my thesis is no longer hovering over my head at all times... I have one idea in mind...

Go to the mattresses... literally!
The best purchase Greg and I have ever made.. individually or together. Our new beloved... silkeborg!! I intend to spend a good amount of time catching up on lost sleep in the most wonderful bed in the world!!!

It made its way from Indianapolis as a poor reject with last years fabric coverings... the only ones we had ever seen and loved all along. I guess next years model will be new and improved, but for us... our silkeborg is the dreamiest mattress we never thought we would ever have/afford. Even now... we lay on our silkeborg in wonder and disbelief. We owe many many a thanks to the coolest family in Illinois! Aw heck.. the world!

I'm just happy our post-Mardi Gras mattress parade made it all in one peice. We've run out of friends with trucks. So after getting kicked out of a famous resturant (long story and beside the point) we used a Honda and a Hyundai to move our new mattresses from Uptown to Downtown... threw the old ones to the curb (which didn't stay there long... bums), watched Greg throw up a 4month old beer that he confused with his current beer (I found the old one under the old bed and moved it so it wouldn't get knocked over... never thinking someone would pick it up and drink it!!! all of it!!!), and laid down for the first time on our mattress thinking we would never forget the night we got our silkeborg.

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